+++ title = "bobachat" description = """ bobachat runs Synapse, the Matrix reference homeserver. Matrix is an open network for secure and decentralized communication. """ +++ ## Clients When using a client not listed below, make sure to set the homeserver field to `boba.best`. - [Element](https://github.com/vector-im/element-web) (recommended): https://element.boba.best - [Hydrogen](https://github.com/vector-im/hydrogen-web): https://hydrogen.boba.best - [SchildiChat](https://schildi.chat/): https://schildi.boba.best - [Cinny](https://github.com/ajbura/cinny): https://cinny.boba.best ## Signup/Login You can create an account on the bobachat homeserver at https://element.boba.best/#/register or any other Matrix client (such as https://app.element.io). Make sure that the field labeled `Host account on` says `boba.best`. This is set by default on https://element.boba.best, but it won't be on other clients. Note that you aren't limited to talking to just people on the bobachat homeserver. You can join any room, regardless of homeserver (rooms are duplicated between all the homeservers participating in them). People on other Matrix homeservers can also talk to you. ## bobaspace Spaces are a way to group rooms together easily. The official bobachat space (named "bobaspace") can be joined using the following link:\ https://matrix.to/#/!iStnctWbmkcQsWJzma:boba.best?via=boba.best\ If you want to join using an account on the bobachat homeserver, make sure that the field labeled `Homeserver` or `Host account on` contains `boba.best`. Note that you don't have to be using an account on the bobachat homeserver to join. You can join using an account on any Matrix homeserver, such as matrix.org.