+++ title = "bobachat" description = """ bobachat runs Synapse, the Matrix reference homeserver. Matrix is an open network for secure and decentralized communication. """ +++ ## Homeserver Address - boba.best ## bobaspace Spaces are a way to collect a group of rooms together easily. The official "bobaspace" can be joined using the following link:
https://matrix.to/#/!iStnctWbmkcQsWJzma:boba.best?via=boba.best To use the bobachat homeserver on [Element](https://element.io): 1. Go to https://app.element.io. 2. Choose `Create Account` (or `Sign In` if you already have one on the bobachat homeserver). 3. Under the `Host account on` section, click `Edit` (it chooses `matrix.org` by default). 4. Type `boba.best` in the `Other homeserver` field.