+++ title = "bobachat" description = """ bobachat runs Synapse, the Matrix reference homeserver. Matrix is an open network for secure and decentralized communication. """ +++ ## URLs - Web Client: https://element.boba.best - Homeserver Address: `boba.best` ## Signup/Login You can create an account on the boba.best homeserver at https://element.boba.best/#/register or any other Matrix client (such as https://app.element.io). Make sure that the field labeled `Host account on` says `boba.best`. This is set by default on https://element.boba.best, but it won't be on other clients. ## bobaspace Spaces are a way to group rooms together easily. The official space for boba.best (titled "bobaspace") can be joined using the following link:\ https://matrix.to/#/!iStnctWbmkcQsWJzma:boba.best?via=boba.best\ If you want to join using an account on the bobachat homeserver, make sure that the field labeled `Homeserver` or `Host account on` contains `boba.best`. Note that you don't have to be using an account on the boba.best homeserver to join. You can join using an account on any Matrix homeserver, such as matrix.org.